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  Online Webinars


developed by Diana Henry

*Ten Ways to Use Movement for Student Success: Sensory processing solutions for educators and parents


In this webinar Diana uses her Tool Chest handbook and clips from her Tools for Teachers and Tools for Students DVDs to demonstrate how to use 'sensory tools.'

Research on Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing provides evidence about the benefits of including movement for student health and wellness, as well as for learning challenges including those on the autism spectrum. This webinar offers easy to follow step by step demonstrations including; Sensory safe Transitions with the bus to begin the school day, Jump Start to connect the brain with the body, Chair Balls including rules for safe use in the classroom, Handwriting warm up exercises for test taking, Floor Time alternatives to sitting at desks, Recess to promote attention, Centers to create more spaces and ways to move, Focusing calmers and organizers, Jobs for body and brain integration, and Being a Detective for discovering if sensory issues are driving behavior.

*Ten Ways to Implement RtI with Sensory Strategies

In this webinar Diana offers a unique opportunity to
see and hear an assistant school superintendent, a school principal, RtI team leader, several classroom teachers, a PE teacher, music therapist, occupational therapist AND parent collaborate to implement Response to Intervention (RTI) with sensory strategies. The Sensory Processing Measure (SPM) a well-researched, statistically sound assessment tool is threaded throughout to assist in developing sensory strategies for all.

You will hear how collaboration between all who work with students including in the cafeteria, on the bus, on the playground, in the principal's office and even in outpatient clinics supports the principles of RtI for students in general education as well as those with autism.

A student with autism, his mother, teachers, therapists and a playground are highlighted, meeting the sensory needs of all students.

*Ten Ways to Support Pre-Teens and Teens Using Sensory Processing Strategies

In this webinar, Diana calls a "movement break" where she asks the participants to engage in age appropriate teen movement activities including the Elastablast and Chair Balls to demonstrate 'Bouncing on the Ball', 'Belly on the Ball', 'Partner Balance on the Ball', 'On Top of the World', and 'Floppy on the Ball.'

This webinar provides insight into how the structural changes in the brain as well as hormones impact emotions and judgment. Age appropriate strategies (based on sensory integration and sensory processing) are presented to make learning more accessible.







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